Dota 2 Patch 7.34c: how It changes the Meta

The new patch before BetBoom Dacha can significantly impact the strategy of professional players. The community expected that 7.34b would be the last patch before TI12, but Valve decided to make adjustments not only to item stats but also to change the stats and talents of many popular heroes, which could alter the current meta.
Who got nerfed the most
Nobody regains popularity as quickly as Earthshaker, who, after a subpar win rate in 7.33, rose above average and entered the top five most-picked heroes according to Dotabuff statistics. Interestingly, this surge came after significant buffs in 7.34b, allowing him to excel as both a support and a midlaner.
- The power of Enchant Totem, combined with the level 15 talent that boosts its damage, made Earthshaker formidable.
- However, with that talent now moved to level 20, his time in the midlane is likely over.
- The damage bonus talent at level 10 and increased mana cost for the ability significantly affect Earthshaker's damage and laning phase.
- Nevertheless, he is expected to remain a popular support and a staple in the professional meta before The International.

Gyrocopter also received nerfs. Buffs in 7.34 to Flak Cannon and subsequent buffs to this previously weak carry led to an absurd win rate of 53.21% and made him the second-most picked hero in TI 12 qualifiers, according to Spectral. Valve swiftly intervened to curb Gyro's popularity, heavily nerfing Flak Cannon. The cooldown of Flak Cannon, formerly 18 seconds at all levels, is now as follows: 26/24/22/20 seconds. This means Gyrocopter won't be able to farm as quickly in the early game.
Key talent changes include:
- Level 10 talent: +175 HP instead of +200.
- Level 15 talent: +25 Flak Cannon Damage instead of +3 Flak Cannon Attacks.
- Level 20 talent: +34 Flak Cannon attacks instead of +40 Flak Cannon Damage.
- Level 25 talent: -5 seconds cooldown reduction for Flak Cannon instead of -6 seconds.

Invoker received significant buffs in 7.34, elevating him to a top-tier hero in Dota 2.
However, Valve didn't stop there and introduced nerfs in Dota 2 Patch 7.34c:
- Base Health Regen reduced from 1.5 to 1, making Invoker more vulnerable during the laning stage.
- Wex Ability now grants 0.6% Movement Speed per instance instead of 0.8 seconds, resulting in a slower Invoker.
- Tornado's base damage reduced from 70 to 50, impacting Invoker's farming capabilities.
- E.M.P. and Aghanim's Shard: Aghanim's Shard Pull Linger Duration is now 0 seconds instead of 0.5 seconds, and the item no longer debuffs immune units after creating the EMP.
Which heroes received buffs in the patch:

Omniknight received a much-needed buff to his Repel, which had returned recently with 7.34b but was underwhelming. Now, it has a shorter cooldown and lower mana cost, making Purist Thunderwrath more viable.

Clinkz slowly rose in popularity after a rough period in 7.33 when players had to adapt to changes in his kit. In 7.34c, Skeleton Warrior and his allies received a significant damage boost, along with increased attack speed and Burning Barrage damage, benefiting both Clinkz and his archer army.
Dazzle and Nyx

Dazzle (removal of increased health cost after level one for Bad Juju) and Nyx Assassin also received significant buffs. Nyx, in particular, will become an interesting hero, with Mind Flare dealing significantly more damage to Intelligence-based heroes at earlier levels, and Vendetta being easier to land and quicker to execute, facilitating faster follow-up Impales.